Make your business work for you and not the other way around!
Nowadays business owners have one crucial task and challenge at the same time — they have to make more time for themselves.
Regardless of which stage of the entrepreneurial journey you are in, you will need time- and cost-efficient structures to work on your business, develop your services, manage operations, have funds and enjoy the results of your hard work.
From setting up your business, through growing it, up to the partner and customer relations; I can help you do it the right way and protect you and your operations.
Contact us to learn more!
I help small businesses, entrepreneurs and experts build and grow their business and protect it legally:
Legal Forms
The first step to a successful and smoothly running business. Depending on your yearly turnover and running operations, you should choose a legal form tailored to your business needs. This will save you time in management, save you money in taxes and clear your liability towards business partners and customers.
Taxes and social insurance
Having a clear overview of the taxes and social security contributions required of you and your employees is crucial for planning the next steps within your business. Whether you plan to hire new employees, move to a bigger company structure or take care of your future, there are various possibilities to choose from and you have to take advantage of the most suitable option.
Business licenses and recognition of qualification
Most of the economic activities in Austria are regulated through a business license. Depending on the profession, a proof of qualification can also be requested. This procedure can be overwhelming and long, especially if the qualification has been obtained abroad. Well-prepared applications and documents are crucial for the success and a short duration of the procedure.
Company transformation
Every business owner comes to a point where they know that it is time for a change. Why? Because you will reach the point of growth where you need a bigger company structure or different legal form OR management is taking too long, projects are piling up and you simply can’t find enough time for your services and for running the company. Depending on your personal situation, you may need a new company form, new organization within the teams, a new executive manager, etc.
Hybrid Working Model
Hybrid is the new normal! We all received the message, but no one told you it is not that simple to switch from onsite to remote or hybrid working. Creating a short- and long-term strategy as well as adjusting the employee contracts and working policies at the company will save you time and money by having your company running smoothly from the beginning.
Company relocation
If you have started your business abroad and are now on your way to Austria, you have to consider a lot: Are you allowed to offer your services here? Do you need recognition of your diplomas? Are you going to find a branch of your existing company or a local one? What about taxes?
Answering these important questions upfront will save you from a lot of bad surprises and headaches when you arrive.
Blank contracts / Terms and Conditions
Negotiation and concluding contracts take a lot from you — time, patience and nerves. The key to lessening this overwhelming feeling you experience during the negotiation process is to be prepared and manage partners’ and customers’ expectations. You can achieve this by preparing comprehensive Terms and Conditions and blank contracts for your customers, shortening the process of concluding contracts by half.
The Investment
Working with me and my team will cost you between € 165,00 and € 3.000,00 depending on the size and the stage of your business development. There are no hidden fees or taxes. The pricing is based on two important principles each business should learn also on our Terms and Conditions.
The Return of your investment
Working with a professional team that knows its way around the Austrian law and requirements for founding and running a business will offer you the best thing an entrepreneur can receive: protection from mistakes. Making a wrong decision in the beginning stages of your business or when you are reaching one of the milestones can lead to a downward spiral, costing you way more money to fix those mistakes and to achieve the desired result.